NiceHCK NX7 MK3 Update From NX7 Pro – What’s New Technically Incl. Measurements
Just some quick notes on the latest iteration of the NiceHCK NX7 earphone. My full review to follow…Loomis’ is up already [here].
In mid 2019, Chinese brand NiceHCK released The NiceHCK NX7, a 7-driver hybrid (4BA + 2 DD + piezo) at $79 [Loomis’ review; my review]. It received a warm welcome in Japan, was (unjustifiably) hyped by an influencer to rival the $1100 Campfire Androdmeda, and the first batch of 2000 was sold out quickly.
The NX7 was “upgraded” to the NX7 Pro in early 2020 with three screw-on filters, exchangeable faceplates, and a fancy cable at $99 [my review]. The drivers remained the same and the red filter of the Pro model yielded the same frequency response and sound as the original NX7.
Both models had a lukewarm reception by most reviewers, paradoxically because of their hotness. The piezo produced the sonic equivalent of overheated Mexican food to many ears. Nevertheless did the NX7 find many fans, for example our own Loomis Johnson, who selected it in his “Best Earphone of 2019 List“).
Q3 of 2020 sees a third iteration of the NX7, the $119 NiceHCK NX7 MK3. The increased cost is justified by upgraded drivers and ?different filters. Most other changes are purely cosmetic. But before I test the sonic and technical qualities of the NiceHCK NX7 MK3, I would like to look under the hood and see what changes can be detected by my measurements.

Impedance: 58Ω
Driver Unit: “Upgraded” 4BA + 2DD (Dual Carbon Nanotube Dynamic)+ Piezoelectric Ceramics Driver, hybrid 7 units each side.
Frequency: 20 – 25000 Hz
Cable Material: 16 core silver-plated copper
Cable Length: 1.2m ± 3 cm
Plug Types: 3.5mm/2.5mm/4.4mm balanced/3.5mm balanced, gold plated
Connector: 0.78mm 2 pin
Replaceable Facepanels: silver/red/blue
Sensitivities: blue filter 107dB/mW, red filter 108dB/mW, black filter 104dB/mW
Tested at: $119/135 (balanced cable)
Purchase Link: NiceHCK Audio Store


Comparing the filters of the NiceHCK NX7 MK3 and the NX7 Pro, red, blue, and black correspond to red, silver, and blue, respectively. The red filter of the NX7 Pro and the original NX7 yielded identical frequency responses. Since different sensitivities are attached to each filter of the MK3, and since each measurement is performed at 85 dB a 1 kHz, the tail ends of the graphs below 1 kHz, although identical in shape, do not track each other.

The red filters (both with a sensitivity of 108 dB/mW) correspond to the hottest sound signature of the three sets. The big difference is the slightly more low end in the MK3 – possibly to compensate for the elevated upper midrange and lower treble. The slight differences above 1 kHz may be artifacts of the measurements – but in any case are they negligibly small. The NX7 and NX7 Pro had received very critical reviews by almost all reviewers of being “too hot”. The current MK3 has certainly the same “red hotness” as its predecessors.

The blue filter of the MK3 and the silver filter of the NX7 Pro (both with a sensitivity of 107 dB/mW) also yield almost identical frequency responses.

The black filter (104 dB/mW sensitivity) appears to off the biggest difference to its 2019 blue equivalent (105 dB/mW sensitivity). It shows a boosted bass and slightly reduced upper midrange. Obviously a concession to all “western” reviewers who found the NX7 and NX7 Pro too piercing.
You find reviews of all of the iems mentioned below here.

In summary, nothing much has changed in the new model in terms of frequency response. On paper, the red and blue filters are still on the “hot” side, and the black filter may be the fix for the more sensitive ears.
I will now start evaluating the NiceHCK MK3’s tonal and technical sides with their new “upgrade” drivers. A quick word on my initial listening: I have only used that new black filter as its degree of hotness/smoothness fits my listening preference best. And I am highly impressed so far by the imaging and resolution. You will get the whole story in my full review.
Until next time…keep on listening!

The NiceHCK NX7 NK3 earphone was provided unsolicited by NiceHCK Audio Store for my analysis – and I think them for that.
Get it from NiceHCK Audio Store
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