ADV Eartune Fidelity U Elliptical Silicone Eartips Review II – Unique Position

ADV has ventured into the premium eartip market but are also known for their custom fit series.
The eartips are definitely unique, no one else is making elliptical shaped eartips that I know of, so when they were asking for volunteers I raised my hand and yes please. They boast some interesting features that on paper make sense, and some of it translates to reality.
Quick Summary
-Pick one size up from your normal, normal size might not fit.
-Bore is medium sized, not wide
-Short nozzle allows tip to move around and might block openings on IEMS that have molded in sound tubes.
-Thin silicone, not thick like Alza Sedna (Light or Regular) or JVC Spiral
-Position long dimension vertically in your ear, however might still feel uneven pressure
Good news is that they are made from non-itchy silicone, and I do agree this is a nice feature if you have ever wondered if something is crawling in your ears after using some cheaper silicone eartips. The silicone material is on the thinner side, so they will not put too much pressure on your ears and slip in like a cozy pair of slippers. JVC Spiral Dots are much stiffer in comparison and even the Alza Sedna Light are also on the stiffer side. These don’t appear much thicker than run of the mill included eartips, which is good for sensitive ears. I selected medium size since that is the most common for me, but I also found the large work too, small and extra small are also offered.
The wide-bore is a stretch, I call them medium bore. I have plenty of other eartips such as the JVC spiral dots that are true wire-bore. Maybe they mean the end of the eartip? The nozzle portion is fairly short and not as thick as other premium eartips. Thicker nozzles typically keep the eartip in place better and also increase bass, so these Eartune Fidelity tips are not something you would select if that is your goal.
I kept you waiting for the most intriguing feature, the elliptical shape. I had to wonder why they picked this shape, was it to reduce standing waves? Perhaps, but I was surprised to learn that our ear holes are not round, but actually elliptically shaped. I assume ADV decided this shape was beneficial based on their customer eartip side of the business? Me being the dummy had to ask ADV though which direction they should sit on the nozzle for proper fit. I could have experimented, but I wanted to know for sure. The long side should be vertically placed into the ear canal. Despite this assurance, and experimentation, I still felt a slight pressure as a result after longer listening sessions. Perhaps my ear holes are more round. At least they are not itchy.

I did notice they have a minor effect in the middle treble, and it does help to take some ringing out of horns and electric guitars. I decided to use it on the TRM STM which has some lively treble in this area. I am aware of the funny business of the tips costing more than the earphones. It does smooth out this area a bit, and it is measurable. I prefer the TRN STM with the stock tips however, because it removed some of the magic. I could see using these tips on something that deserves better tips, say the Shozy Rouge, or mid to upper tier IEMS that need some smoothing of the mid treble.

End Result
Value-wise I cannot make a judgment since those who invest in better eartips don’t bother worrying about cost. They are definitely unique and the science side of oval openings makes sense, but the elliptical shape seems like a better on paper concept. I will be glad to have them in my collection for taming stubborn earphones that need that edge taken off, I would say these are a great alternative to foam eartips that conform and also take the bite out, but wear out over time. This helps raise their value over throw away foamies. On the other hand, they are awkward to use since the shape and short nozzle tube make it hard to position, and the silicone is on the thinner more flexible end of the spectrum. They are not plug and play so keep that in mind.
The ADV EARTUNE FIDELITY U Elliptical Audiophile IEM eartips were supplied unsolicited by the company through Head-Fi – and I thank them for that.
Our generic standard disclaimer.
You find an INDEX of our Eartips Reviews HERE.