TRN-VX Review (2) – Poison Ivy

Light and comfortable.
Good build.
Excellent details, clarity, imaging, instrument separation.
Above average soundstage.
Above average timbre for BA timbre.
Fast and accurate bass for a DD bass.
Good subbass and treble extension at both ends.
Easily drivable.
Upper mids/lower treble harshness – can be tamed (see below).
Mild sibilance.
Average isolation.
Thin note weight, thin lower mids.

The TRN VX is a technically proficient set, with great build and fit and good extension at both ends. Bass is speedy for a DD bass, though it has some harsh upper mids/lower treble. If one can tame the upper mids region with some mods or are willing to EQ, it is a good set.

- Driver Type: 1 DD (10 mm) + 6 BA
- Frequency Response: 7 Hz – 40000 Hz
- Impedance: 22 ohms
- Sensitivity: 107 dB/mW
- Cable type: Detachable 2 pin
- Tested at $71.60 USD
- Purchase Link: TRN Official Store

In addition to the IEM, it comes with:
1) Silicone tips (S/M/L).
2) Stock cable and free TRN T4 copper cable provided by the store.

The TRN VX is of very good build and is much lighter and smaller than what it looks like in pictures. Quite amazing they can squeeze so many drivers inside with such a small profile.
I’ve generally disliked MMCX connectors in IEMs due to their shorter lifespan so it is good to see the TRN VX uses 2 pin connectors.
There’s no driver flex, and it is very comfortable and well fitting.

I brought the TRN VX for a spin on the subway and bus and isolation is about average.

The TRN VX is pretty drivable from lower powered sources like smartphones, and amping isn’t truly mandatory, though there is a slight scaling of dynamics, soundstage and details with good amping.

The TRN VX’s soundstage is above average in width and depth. Height is about average.

The TRN VX sports a bright V shaped tuning, with the upper mids/lower treble being rather harsh with default stock cables/tips. So this is a treblehead’s dream, but treble sensitive folks or those that have fatigue with boosted upper mids may not appreciate it for longer listening sessions. It seems the VX tuning is catered mostly to their local Asian market, where they prefer boosted upper mids to complement their music, which features a lot of female vocals. They even have a term for it: musical poison 毒音, so the VX really lives up to its namesake of being a poison nerve agent! The upper mids/treble frequencies thankfully can be tamed with EQ, warm sources, foam tips/narrow bore tips, or certain tape mods, +/- copper cables (see below).
Technicalities like details, clarity, imaging and instrument placement are very good at the sub $100 range. The TRN VX borders on the analytical side, and is a good budget set for critical listening.
Timbre is good and accurate for BA timbre, but not as realistic as some dedicated DD sets (eg BLON BL-03, KBEAR Diamond) in the timbre for acoustic instruments, though it trumps these DD sets in the technicalities department. Note weight is on the thinner side, especially for the lower mids.

Bass quantity on the TRN VX is north of neutral, but not at basshead levels. It more or less is a linear bass from the midbass to the subbass. The bass on the VX is one of the speedier DD type bass, yet having a decay and subbass extension typical of DD.
Lower mids on the TRN VX are recessed, with a boosted upper mids that may be fatiguing for longer listening sessions. Note weight is on the leaner side.
This is a bright and airy set with slight sibilance. It has plenty of detail and clarity to suit trebleheads, but may be fatiguing for longer sessions at the lower treble region, especially with female vocals/horns/trumpets. Cymbals and high hats occasionally sound splashy.
I’m treble and upper mids sensitive, so I think others who aren’t may like the default tuning just fine. Thankfully, I found a few ways to tame the upper mids/lower treble, and the TRN VX sounds very good with these methods:
1) Foam tips/narrow bore tips -> different folks have different ear anatomies and the TRN VX is tip sensitive, so u gotta try it to see what works for you.
2) Warm source with the VX helps
3) EQ – specifically to lower the 2, 4 and 8 kHz areas by around 3 dB helps.
4) Micropore mod -> stick a 2.5 mm x 2.5 mm 3M brand Micropore over the centre of the nozzle mesh. Lowers the upper mids. Don’t cover entire mesh if not it will sound muffled! (PROTIP from KopiOKaya the master!)
5) Perhaps if u believe in copper cables taming treble (and ain’t a cable skeptic), u can try that too, as the stock cable of the VX isn’t the best. But I would think that cable changes to sound signature would be very subtle compared to the above methods. YMMV.
My personal favourites to tame the upper mids is via EQ or micropore mod.

The TRN VX is a technically proficient set, with great build and fit and above average soundstage. It has speedy bass for a DD bass, and has great extension at both ends of the FR.
The Achilles heel of this Poison Ivy is the upper mids makes it harsh for typical Westernized tuning OOTB, though I would think their own domestic Chinese market that likes boosted upper mids/treble and trebleheads will dig this. But it is actually a good set if u can put in a bit of work to lower the upper mids region, much like the infamous BLON BL-03 needed a bit of work OOTB for the fit. I would have rated it much higher if not for the upper mids region, but thankfully, this area can be tamed with the above mods.
I would be happy if TRN could release a “pro” version with some tamed upper mids, perhaps with a detachable nozzle or tuning filters.


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The TRN VX is a review sample provided by the TRN Official Store on Aliexpress. My views are my own.
It can be gotten at $71.60 from
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