NiceHCK EBX21 Review – EB Stands For Endgame Bud
Excellent tonality, timbre, technicalities.
Good accessories.
Good fit – can be won cable up/down. Also is MMCX detachable; most TOTL earbuds still come with fixed connection.
Nothing harsh in tuning.
Easy to drive.
Excellent timbre.
Big soundstage, good imaging, not congested even in complex pieces.
Fit not the most secure.
Lacks subbass as per most earbuds.
TOTL earbud sound comes at TOTL pricing.

The NiceHCK EBX21 is truly a TOTL summitFI earbud. It boasts a neutralish tuning with minimal harshness throughout the frequency response. The NiceHCK EBX21 also has excellent technicalities and timbre, and can truly be endgame for earbud aficionados.

- Driver configuration: 14.2 mm LCP diaphragm
- Frequency response: 20 – 32000Hz
- Impedance: 32Ω
- Sensitivity: 121dB/mW
- Cable: MMCX (comes in 2.5 mm, 3.5 mm or 4.4 mm termination options)
- Tested at $219 USD


Other than the earbud, the NiceHCK EBX21 packaging comes with:
- Silver plated copper tinsel + silver plated OCC cable – During ordering, you can choose whether to get a choice of 2.5 mm or 3.5 mm or 4.4 mm termination. The cable itself is selling for 100 bucks or thereabouts online and I know some folks would have preferred if they can just get the earbud without the cable for half the selling price. FWIW, the cable is very impressively braided and supple, one of the best cables I’ve used in a haptic sense. It comes with a chin cinch, and the MMCX locks quite satisfyingly with a click. The surface of the cable is apparently woven with PP yarn, and this is advertised to give better durability.
- Array of covers (full foams, donut foams, silicone rings).
- Magnetic clasp for cable.
- Carrying case – very spacious and well built.
- Tested at: $219
- Purchase Link: hifigo
For the purposes of this review, the stock cable and full foam covers were used.

The NiceHCK EBX21 has a very good build, it is made of metal with a matte finish. It is comfortable and very light. It can be worn cable up or down, depending on your ear anatomy and preferences. Thankfully, this is one TOTL earbud that has a detachable cable, unlike some of its TOTL brethen that are still stuck in 2021 (no pun intended) in non detachable formats, which may be a potential source of failure down the line.
Fit wise, YMMV as we have different ear anatomy. But for myself at least, the cable is on the heavier side, and does tend to drag the earbud out of the ears due to the weight. I managed to counter this by using the earbud over the ear, or by thickening the fit by ending 2 layers of foams (be it donut or full foams or silicone rings) so as to give it more density to sit in the ear.

Well isolation and earbuds are an oxymoron. Earbuds are very niche and are actually closer to open backed headphones than IEMs per se. The earbuds generally have much better soundstage than IEMs in general, but they also tend to have poor subbass response due to the lack of isolation (as they are sitting out of the ear canal), and are hence best used in an environment which is quiet.

I tested the NiceHCK EBX21 with a Khadas Tone Board -> Topping L30 amp, Sony NW A-55 DAP (DMP-A50 FEv2 Classic Mr Walkman Mod), smartphone, Shanling Q1 DAP, Tempotec Sonata HD Pro, ESS ES9280C PRO DAC/AMP, and a Khadas Tone Board -> Fiio A3 Amp. The NiceHCK EBX21 is very easy to drive, and amping is not generally required. Though amping can increase dynamics, soundstage and perhaps microdetails a tinge.
I was actually expecting it to hiss like a snake due to the high sensitivity stated in the specs, but surprisingly there wasn’t much hiss.

The NiceHCK EBX21 features a quite neutralish tuning. It is very smooth with minimal peaks/troughs in the tuning, yet managing to maintain lots of microdetails. Quite a few CHIFI earbuds and IEMs “cheat” by boosting the upper mids and lower treble to get more clarity and a sense of perceived details, but here, you can really tell the NiceHCK EBX21 manages to get the details in without cranking it.
Imaging, clarity, soundstage and instrument separation are really top notch, definitely the best earbud I’ve heard in terms of technicalities. Soundstage is wide, deep and tall. The NiceHCK EBX21 can keep up with fast portions or complex portions of music with no congestion or issues. I daresay when fitted well, it has resolution approaching some IEMs, no easy feat for a earbud.
In terms of the bass, this set is midbass focused. Midbass is neutral, subbass is unfortunately rolled off like most other earbuds, both in terms of quantity and extension. Among earbuds, the SMABAT series earbuds will still beat this set in terms of absolute subbass amounts/extension. Bass on the EBX21 is very textured though, and of high quality, with no midbass bleed. Bass accuracy and speed are good.
Mids are transparent and very detailed, with no harshness at the upper mids. Vocals are very clear yet not shouty. I really liked that this set can portray forward vocals without veering to shoutiness, which is a very tough line to balance.
Treble extends moderately well, and is pretty good for a earbud. Though most IEMs will probably still beat earbuds in treble and subbass extension as mentioned. Sibilance is very mild, and cymbals and highhats sound very natural with no splashiness. This is a very well rendered treble, it is not fatiguing yet it still manages to give a good amount of microdetails and treble extension.
In terms of timbral accuracy, the NiceHCK EBX21 is really excellent. Vocal lovers will like this set. Instrumental timbre freaks who are OCD about timbre will also have nothing to complain about. Note weight is moderate.


SMABAT ST10S Black Gold ($124 USD)
The SMABAT ST10S Black Gold (not to be mistaken for the Black Silver variant which has a lower impedance and is tuned differently), is a neutralish set with a subbass and 3 kHz area boost. The SMABAT ST10S Black Gold is much much harder to drive as per the higher impedance. Both sets can be worn over ear or cable down, but I get a better fit with the SMABAT ST10S Black Gold.
The SMABAT ST10S Black Gold has a deeper subbass extension/bass quantity and is the bassiest of my earbuds. However, the SMABAT ST10S Black Gold does have a 3 kHz area spike that can be apparent with poorly recorded material or at louder volumes (Fletcher Munson curve).
In terms of instrumental timbral accuracy, the NiceHCK EBX21 wins. Also in terms of technicalities such as details, imaging, instrument separation and soundstage, the NiceHCK EBX21 trumps the SMABAT ST10S Black Gold.

The regular SMABAT ST10 is another earbud with good subbass extension/quantity. It has a thinner and colder mids with poorer instrumental timbre than the NiceHCK EBX21. Like the SMABAT ST10S Black Gold, this SMABAT fits similarly and can be worn over ear or cable down, and I get a better fit with the SMABAT ST10 than the NiceHCK EBX21.
The SMABAT ST10 has better subbass extension and bass quantity as discussed. In terms of technicalities such as details, imaging, instrument separation and soundstage, the NiceHCK EBX21 beats the SMABAT ST10.

Earbuds Anonymous ($50 USD)
The Earbuds Anonymous is quite hyped on certain audio forums. For me, it lives up to its name of being a very anonymous earbud. It is L shaped with a non detachable cable. The bass is copious but has a midbass bleed. The treble is missing on the Earbuds Anonymous too and I would describe the sound of this set as muddy (and that is being generous). One of my worse earbud purchases in recent times.
In the areas of technicalities, tonality and timbre, the Earbuds Anonymous is a few levels behind the NiceHCK EBX21, and the Earbuds Anonymous sounds quite low res in comparison.

The NiceHCK EBX21 is truly a TOTL summitFI earbud. It boasts a neutralish tuning with minimal harshness throughout the frequency response.
In terms of the 3 Ts of timbre, tonality and technicalities, this earbud is excellent across these departments and scores near full marks for these areas, and indeed, the NiceHCK EBX21 is truly one of the best earbuds I’ve heard. If only it had a bit more subbass extension (like the SMABAT series earbuds), then I think the tuning would be perfect.
The cost of the NiceHCK EBX21 is unfortunately quite high for a earbud, and as usual, diminishing returns do exist in this hobby. As per going deeper down the audio rabbithole (not only for earbuds but for most audio gear in general), we might need to pay 10 times more to obtain a slight improvement from the budget/midfi segment, though I would say the NiceHCK EBX21 can probably be endgame for earbud aficionados. It might behoove you (once you know the sound signature you like) to just invest in one good TOTL set and call it a day, as buying multiple budget sidegrades does add up to a midfi/TOTL set soon enough. But of course, this is easier said than done, and FOMO is real, and multiple hypetrains come out on a weekly basis. Though if you follow my advise to just buy one TOTL set and go minimalistic and kick out all the budget sidegrades, my boss Jurgen will be not be happy as there will be less viewership for his blog and youtube channel!

You find an INDEX of all our earphone reviews HERE.
I would like to thank HIFIGO for supplying this review unit. It can be gotten here:
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