KZ AS24 (Tunable Version) Review – Earphone Tetris A Winning Game?
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KZ AS24 is the crown jewel for KZ with twelve BA’s jammed together like a game of Tetris into the the custom 3D printed acrylic bedazzled shell. The model sheet and past history of KZ models is long and confusing to keep up with. Some models have been incremental successes, others just a blip on the timeline.
I personally think they are more of a fast fashion company. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them popup as an MLM (multi-level marketing) scheme for stay at home bloggers and influencers to invite their friends over for some adult beverages, and a Charcuterie board.
KZ as of late seems to draw either hate or praise, nothing in between. There were some “internet” scandals that are sort of meh in reference to other more serious issues happening in the world. Luckily for us here at Audioreviews we have no skin in the game, and do not need to take any sides.
Drama aside, the KZ AS24 comes in the standard version without switches at $112 and the tunable version with 8 switches at $122 only $10 more. Some of the adjustments are only 1-2dB changes and in the bass region this is a resolution our hearing has trouble detecting 1db changes in low end, but in upper frequencies this is detectable. This is of course unless you goof and briefly set the bass switches opposite each other and spend a few minutes wondering why I was fighting a seal issue.
So the main set of tuning switches on the KZ AS24 work to alter the bass frequencies, while the auxiliary switches impact the mid-high frequencies, the set provided to me had the switches arranged in different directions so pay attention to witch way is “on”. Overall the general tuning curve follows the Harman.
I opted to pick the most tricked out tuning because I wanted to know how it sounds giving it all it has, we try hard around here afterall. If you check out the impedance graph below you can see how they add resistance in series with certain drivers to reduce output levels. Low powered smart phones and dongles might struggle when going for less bass and treble tuned modes.
The DLP printed shells of the KZ AS24 can reach a high level of precision allowing KZ to include sound tubes built into the shell. Bravo, as this is attention to detail we do not normally get from KZ let alone the vast majority smorgasbord of earphones. There is however one minor difference in soft sound tubes that can absorb standing waves, and hard tubes that create a tunnel and may exhibit ringing.

Tapping into their fast fashion concept, the KZ AS24 is adorned with various geometric pyramids housed behind a ceiling of clear plastic. It takes on a broken glass, slash kryptonic cave crystal aesthetic.
The silver plated copper flat cable has low microphonic transmission and inserts cleanly and securely into the reliable 2 pin connection. You get the KZ’s starline eartips that have been a staple since near the beginning, the version included has the long stem and a firmer rebound stiffness. However there have been subtle changes to them and KZ tends to pair the variations to properly match the earphone.
Packed inside the KZ AS24 shell in the form of a cityscape is you guessed it – 12 drivers (24 total between both earpieces). Although, when these companies are boasting about driver count you have to realize they are doubling, tripling or even quadrupling up on certain drivers to reach desired output levels while bringing overall distortion levels down. Specifically on the KZ AS24 we have:
- 1 bass driver
- 2 mid/treble wideband drivers with a new trident reed vs the standard U reed design.
- 4 mid treble (consisting of a dual balanced armature)
- 1 tweeter driver

So with all these different drivers, the KZ AS24 allows the user to flip the switches and achieve different results. The descriptions of what each do are semi vague so it helped to makes changes and perform some measurements shown below. Here are some short descriptions of the effects.
- Main tuner switch 1 adds 2db across full range, I measure closer to 4-6db depending on frequency
- Main tuner switches 2/3/4 adds 1db per switch to bass
- Main Tuner switches 1+2+3+4 adds 10db to bass and 4-6db through rest of spectrum gradually decreasing up high
- Aux tuner switches 1/2 adds 1db per switch for the range mid-high 600Hz -6kHz
- Aux tuner switches 3/4 adds 1db per switch above 6.5khz
All the details of these features point to improved control and sound-shaping unlike most KZ recipes, but there is always room for improvement such as actual resistive filters and more costly/labor intensive flexible standing wave absorption sound tubes.
The shell is stout and bulked up with a confident stance in my ears as if to make it point to feel so sturdy even given the plastic shell. They are large and in charge so small eared folks should look elsewhere. I attempted to give away some other KZ products this weekend only to realize even the smaller models may be too big for young ears.
Most importantly, the deep nozzle of the KZ AS24 with the fairly sturdy starline eartips managed to take hold of my ear canal keeping them in place. Even with the fact they are floating above my Concha/ Antitragus ridges, they take root. Fitment is often overlooked, but I find this is a main driver to me adopting them in the listening rotation or getting shelved. If I cannot keep them in my ears, I get annoyed and no longer want to listen.

Tested with LG G8, Colorfly CDA-M1P, and SMSL DO400.
KZ AS24 bass has what I consider the KZ house sound, snappy with some punch followed up with a modest sub bass filler. It lacks the tight rumble of the Kefine Klanar, so if over-pressurization is an annoyance, the AS24 will have your back. Sub-bass holds back, but is present in the group of friends, taking on the role of designated driver over its more boisterous and outgoing frequency band of brothers.
Midrange pinna boost does reach the forward level but clarity is quite good and this is where I can tell the focus was in creating such a monster. Voodoo Child by Kenny Wayne Shepherd is quite intense, and on overdrive through his guitar riffs. It is very overpowering especially given the soft tail ends of the spectrum reproduced only by one driver each.
Clarity is good however resolution is still not where I would like it. It feels slightly claustrophobic, not giving enough room to separate everything out individually. If it had more depth, the width might also feel wider.
Treble teeters in the fray and is allowed to speak with extra sheen. It’s not offensive at all, but feels muted and overdamped affecting timbre. I think KZ has overdone the treble output in the past, so they were rather careful here not to completely blow it out. Cymbals sound like they are being hit with spaghetti sticks rather than wood sticks. I could use some more shimmer.
Bringing back in the Kefine Klanar to take on the equally priced KZ AS24 seems like a no brainer. It is easy to forget the plethora of good options in the $100 category where we are just dipping toes into the value mid-tier. Midbass is fuller and gives rock more grunt on the Klanar, the AS24 sounds thinner and more sculpted. Midrange is not as forward on the Kefine and allows me to enjoy Tool’s Forty Six & 2 without a front row assault. Cymbals sound more realistic with good decay and quantity.
The Kefine Klanar sounds more wholesome while the KZ AS24 presents the music as individual parts glued together. There is more contrast in the AS24 presentation that can become tiring with the treble switches set to max. I had to turn all those off and it became slightly warmer in the presentation. This is the problem with trying to evaluate these more complicated tuning solutions. It is a bonus and a curse at times.
Where KZ AS24 does score over the Kefine Klanar is in fiitment. While bulkier, it clearly stays put and seals correctly. The Kefine Klanar is more finicky in this regard and requires delicate positioning and better than stock tips perhaps to reach fitment nirvana. They may be others who appreciate a less bulky earphone but the overshapes are still equivalent.
I am impressed with the overall package and design of the KZ AS24, it seems they did more than slap as many drivers as they could fit in the shell and made a careful decision on how to tune it. The forward nature does wear on me, and as mentioned earlier I feel claustrophobic. Clarity is great however resolution is modest. Tuning is textbook Harman without any major deviations.
Switches can make an earphone feel more like a prototype than a feature, however it offers more than just acoustic tuning via easy to lose nozzle tuning filters. The AS24 without the switches is available for those who want certainty. The AS24 is one of KZ’s better accomplishments in a highly competitive value entrance to the mid-tier. I don’t hate it, it’s got a good pedigree and I forget at times I am listening to a KZ.
Disclaimer: I appreciate KZ Acoustics sending these by mistake to me instead of Jurgen and given my busy tail end of the year, the AS24 fittingly slip into the 2024 new year. Available for purchase from Aliexpress or other shops.
KZ AS24 Frequency 20-40000Hz
Sensitivity Standard Version 112±3dB
Tuning Version 109±5dB
Impedance Standard Version 20Ω
Tuning Version 20Ω~50Ω
Plug type 3.5mm
Pin type 0.75mm
Cable type Silver-plated cable
Cable length 120±5cm
- Left vs Right
- Main switch Tuning
- Auxiliary Switch Tuning
- Other Combinations
- Impedance

Our generic standard disclaimer.