Comments on: The Iconic AZLA SednaEarfit Silicon Tips – Is Their Price Justified? Music For The Masses Mon, 19 Apr 2021 01:47:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: KopiOkaya Mon, 23 Dec 2019 10:02:12 +0000 I have been using AZLA SednaEarFit tips for many years. I usually bought them from I find them to be particularly effective in smoothening the treble-ly Tin Hifi T2 and the very treble-ly Tin Hifi T2 Pro. They don’t wow me as much when I paired them with Tin Hifi T3. However, I have found a great candidate for SednaEarfit – the BLON BL-03. Due to its slightly longer-than-average stem, SednaEarfit works incredibly well with BLON. It tighten and cleaned up the bass of the BL-03.

The AZLA SednaEarfit will ALLOWS be in my assortment of eatips, together with JVC Spiral Dot, SpinFit, Acoustune, Final Audio, Canal Works, Ortofon, Radius, Symbio Mandarin, Sony Hybrid and Comply, etc.
