FAAEAL Datura Pro Review – Mid Centric Gem
Excellent timbre.
Lush mids – great for vocals.
Above average soundstage.
Above average technicalities (imaging, clarity, details, instrument separation).
Non fatiguing tuning.
Minimal sibilance.
Good build with well braided and thick cable.

Lacking bass quantity and extension.
Lacking treble sparkle.
Non-detachable cable.

– Driver: Dynamic
– Sensitivity: 106dB
– Frequency response: 18Hz – 20kHz
– Impedence: 16Ω
– Cable: non detachable

In addition to the earbud, it comes with:
– semi rigid case
– shirt clip
– multiple full foams and donut foams of different thickness

The Datura Pro is made of sturdy metal and the shell is of good quality. It is light and comfortable.
The cable is non detachable. Fortunately, the cable is well built, well braided, very thick, non tangly and non microphonic.
The Datura Pro can be worn cable down or over ear. There’s no left/right marking on the earbud, but a horizontal indentation on the stem of the left side earbud is the only indication that it is the left earpiece.

Like other earbuds, isolation is a weakness compared to IEMs. As such, it’s best suited for home use, both to preserve good sound quality, preserve bass frequencies, and to protect one’s hearing from jacking up the volume outdoors due to the poor isolation.

Above average width. Depth and height of soundstage are average.

The Datura Pro is drivable from smart phones but scales better with a DAC/AMP (in terms of dynamics, soundstage and details).
The Datura Pro is a N shaped set, with boosted mids and higher treble/subbass roll off. The timbre is excellent, with average note weight and good texturing. As such, it is a good set for vocals. Acoustic instruments sound very well rendered on the Datura Pro. Technicalities (imaging, clarity, details, instrument separation) are above average for a earbud, but not classleading (I would say the Yinyoo BK2 has better technicalities at this price range).
Midbass and subbass quantity is lacking on the Datura Pro, with quite a marked subbass rolloff below 60 Hz. Luckily the Datura Pro takes very well to EQ, so no biggie boosting the bass. The bass is of good quality though, with good speed and texture. It smears minimally during complex bass movements. I did not hear any midbass bleed. Due to the lack of bass, it may not be an all rounder for every genre.
Mids are my favourite aspect of the Datura Pro. It has boosted mids that makes vocals the highlight of the music, imparting good details and good timbre to voices. The upper mids are boosted relative to the lower mids, and only on very rare ocassions did I detect shoutiness at the upper mids.
There’s a slight boost at the lower treble region; it rolls off towards the higher treble regions. Cymbals are not splashy and sound quite well replicated. I’m treble sensitive and I like the Datura Pro’s treble, but trebleheads may not like it due to the lack of airiness/sparkle. Details and clarity at the treble region are not the best in view of the treble roll off. Sibilance is minimal, and it is quite suited for long chill listening sessions. I feel there’s gonna be a tradeoff for having a non fatiguing listen versus sibilance and brightness, so one has to choose your poison.

The Datura Pro is a great earbud that has good timbre. Due to the lush mids, chill non fatiguing tuning and comfortable fit, I’ve fallen asleep with it in my ears on more than one occasion!
It’s not an all rounder due to it’s tuning (rolled off bass/higher treble), but vocal lovers will love it. As such, I wouldn’t recommend it for trebleheads and bassheads, unless EQ is applied. Honestly in the similar price bracket for earbuds, I would still pick the Yinyoo BK2 on most days, as the latter has better technicalities and a more balanced tuning, which makes it more all rounded. Hence, those intending to purchase the Datura Pro should know that the tuning may not suit everyone, but what you will get is a niche midcentric earbud, which shines especially in vocals.


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I bought the Datura Pro from Aliexpress (via FAAEAL lucky bag) at my own expense. Current price is about $25.
Our generic standard disclaimer.
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