The Man Who Loved Music – Remembering Thomas Wilson Alias The HungryPanda

Thomas Wilson alias HungryPanda was an avid Head-Fier and Facebooker, who passed away from complications with covid-19 a year ago, on 15 April 2020. Hailing from Scotland, he was an electrician at Guy’s hospital in the City of London, working mainly nights.
In this Article
Thomas was a very nice and supportive guy. I had the great honour to meet him at the famous “Hope and Anchor Pub” in Islington, North London, in March 2019. At the time, this blog was not even 2 weeks old.
Thomas loved earbuds. He assembled them himself. He probably liked them because he could listen to music at work and still be receptive for phone calls. At our meeting, Thomas handed me three pairs of DIY earbuds, which I treasure so much that I gave all my other earbuds away. You find photos of these earbuds appended below.

Thomas also loved daps. He had 16 of them.
Thomas Wilson’s email address is It still works. You can probably reach him in the Elysian Fields where he currently enjoys perfect happiness.

As the Talking Heads sang: “Heaven Is The Place”. Rock on, HungryPanda.
Until next time…keep on listening!

GALLERY: HungryPanda DIY Earbuds

1. The HungryPanda Spirit (Shell: MX500; Driver: 32 Ω Fengru LCK1296 15.4 mm)

2. The HungryPanda HP760 (Shell: MX7600; Driver: 16 Ω QIGOM 15.4 mm)

3. The HungryPanda EMX500 V1 (Shell: MX500; Driver: 32 Ω Fengru LCK1308 15.4 mm)