Corona Is No Beer For Chi-Fi Manufacturers
[Estimated reading time: 3 minutes]
During the past one month or so, the outbreak of novel coronavirus, or COVID-19 as it is known now, has been spreading across China like wildfire. The entire world is watching at how the Chinese government is handling the dire health situation. Hopefully, it doesn’t worsen and become an epidemic disease affecting the human population worldwide.
The new decade and the Year of Metal Rat didn’t start out well for many Chinese businesses, including Chi-Fi manufacturers. Factories and offices are still closed after the long Chinese New Year holidays. Workers are still stuck at home either at their native hometown or at their apartments in the cities.
The holy-ground of Chi-Fi Shenzhen, for example, has literally turned into a ghost town without a living soul venturing beyond their homes (and mind you, Shenzhen has a population of 12.5 million). Even if someone is spotted on the streets, he or she probably has been given limited permission from the city government to leave their homes to replenish groceries or to run short errands.
Sure, but China is far away, so what effect does it have on us who are either living in the West or not affect by the situation?
First, those who ordered goods before the Chinese New Year holidays will expect shipment delay. Exactly how long? Frankly, nobody knows. This will depend on how quickly the logistics company could clear your package (keep in mind even the logistics companies are in heavy labour shortage).
Secondly, new earphone model launch will indefinitely be delayed. For example, BLON BL-05 was expected to launch in March but looks like it is going to be delayed. Subsequently, the launch of BLON BL-03 Mk2 will be delayed as well. Don’t expect the Oppoty to Let your Music Burn so soon… But hey, we Belief in Never Give Up!
Thirdly, prices of Chi-Fi “may” increase. How so? Look… If goods ain’t moving, the distributors are not getting paid. Warehouses and storage spaces don’t come cheap. Companies are paying for storage out of their own pockets now. So, in order to recuperate loses, manufacturers and distributors will have to raise prices. It is a domino effect and you know where the last piece of tile will land toward the end.
Finally, we “may” also get more promotional sales. Ahhhh… This sounds more soothing to the ears. As mentioned above, to recuperate loses distributors will have to earn back the money… Fast! As you know Chi-Fi life cycle is very short. If distributors are still stuck with previous year’s models, they are doomed for sure. You won’t want to buy BLON BL-03 if Mark 2 comes out, am I right?
For better or worse, Chi-Fi manufacturers and companies will have to think of ways to make more money and to keep their goods flowing. Consumers, like us, will have to understand that the coronavirus situation happens unexpected and suddenly. The pandemic throws everyone off guard. To most of us, we can only wait… Patience is key… For how long, only God knows.
Meanwhile, we can re-listen to those earphones we bought long time ago and have forgotten, just like I rediscovered the TRI I4 recently. I used to hate its sound, but after some cable swop and tip-rolling, I managed to make it sound very nice. At least something to keep me occupied temporary and helps curb my buying spree.
Tsingtao… Anyone?

Yes, it’s a good time to stop shopping and actually listen to what we have.
I’m listening to the LZ A6 Mini and the Brainwavz B400 which are both amazing.
Time is needed to fully appreciate an IEM and now we have that.