BLON BL-05 Review MK1 (2) – A Giant Step Sideways
The uniformly-revered BL-03 had its shortcomings—inefficiency, sub-par isolation—but was inarguably a helluva good sounding piece for $30, with best-in-class timbral accuracy and clarity. You’d expect that BLON would preserve the basic signature of the BL-03 in its new $42 BL-05. Instead, curiously, the Blon BL-05 is quite a different beast.
Solidly built (if a bit garishly designed) and generously (if gratuitously) accessorized with two mega-tangly thin cables and two fabric cases, the Blon BL-05 sports a more ergonomic shape which provides for much deeper insertion and better seal and isolation than its ovoid predecessor. The BL-05 also immediately registers as the beefier-sounding, more energized phone, with a richer note texture; it’s also quite a bit brighter, bassier and more u-shaped than the warmer, Harmonish BL-03, with more recessed mids and more emphasis on the upper midrange.

The Blon BL-05’s low end is very well-judged to my ears, with considerably more subbass than the BL-03. While not seismic, the low end has sufficient rumble for bass-heavy genres and deftly treads the line between being boomy and being over-etched and bloodless. Acoustic bass, in particular, sounds very good. Mids (and vocals in particular) are less forward than the BL-03’s; male voices in particular lack a bit of body and nuance on some material. Treble is well-extended and detailed—it has a bit of wiriness or coloration on cymbals and vocal sibilants but is free from the shrillness or peakiness of cheap hybrids. As with the BL-03, coherence is very good and I did not find the BL-05 to be fatiguing after lengthy sessions.

Where the Blon BL-05 really depart from their predecessor is in soundstaging—where the BL-03 presented a very wide stage with meticulous stereo imaging and a lot of space between the performers, the BL-05 create the ambience of playing in a very narrow, irregularly-shaped room. Imaging isn’t exactly smeared—you can still discern separate instruments and overall clarity is good—but there’s not a lot of air and precise location of the performers is harder to discern. The overall effect isn’t unpleasant (before Trump destroyed the possibility, I enjoyed hearing bands play small clubs), and the BL-05 suggest a nice intimate venue for, say, solo piano or jazz trios. However, large-scale orchestral or more complex arrangements are much better sorted-out on the BL-03.

I can’t categorically state that the Blon BL-05 is an upgrade from the more accurate BL-03. That said, the BL-05 is brawnier, rocks harder and is much better suited for on-the-go use with my mobile. Given my unrefined palate) I’d probably be more inclined to reach for it over the Blon BL-03. Neither is endgame, but at this price point I wouldn’t overthink it.


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I have the BL03, but prefer Comply eartips. They have a recommendation for the BL05 but not the BL03. Are the BL05 and BL03 eartips interchangeable?