Some Commented New Measurements 2019-08-01

The $30 Final Audio E1000 is a pleasant surprise in that its frequency response is rather flat. Its sound will appeal to dollar-store “audiophiles” but is possibly too flat for the party funster.

After 70 hours of playtime (the manufacturer recommends 50 hours of “burn-in/break-in”), nothing has changed in the NiceHCK NX7‘s frequency response. The minimal differences are within measurement error (insertion depth etc.). Compare this graph/tuning to the Campfire Polaris’.

The $35 Philips TX2 (discontinued but still available on ebay) also surprise with a “modern” tuning. Great middle-of-the-road sound for long fatigue-free listening sessions.

The $8-15 Philips SHE7050/7055 (w/o or w micro) do have more of a fun tuning compared to the Philips TX2.

The once hyped $40 Zero Audio Carbo Tenores are a bit of a disappointment. Clean mids somewhat smothered by a punchy and overly strong bass. Old school.